The importance we give to social networks and our massive use of audiovisual medias have created a new kind of movies in which each of us is an actor. Today, we spend our whole days watching videos, contemplating what people want to show to the world, to us. And most of all, we play our life in front of cameras.
Happiness ? It's all about views.
This modern behavior is so anchored in habits that brands and industries took the opportunity to display their products throughout each content we watch. They call it “PRODUCT PLACEMENT”.
That's why I want to introduce you “P®ODUCT PLACEMENT”, a fashion brand that allows brands to display their product on our products. Now, consider P®ODUCT PLACEMENT as a media more than a brand by using it as a green screen.
*Only a concept yet but feel free to send me some money to make it real. And one day maybe, it's gonna be.